Handcrafted Quality


Hi! My name is Maria Alicia De La Cruz, I was born and raised in Mexico City, I learned knitting and crochet when I was 5 years old, seeing my grandmothers working on beautiful projects.  I moved to the United States 15 years ago, that’s when I rediscover my love for knitting again, fighting against the loneliness of not having my grandma with me; I started doing scarves and gloves for all my coworkers. One day at the library I found a book about felting and I became addicted to it; after many failures I finally found the right way to do it.

I love knitting, crochet and felting, I enjoy seeing my projects finish, I can spend hours designing new purses; I love to see the smile of my daughter when I finish a new one.

About Us

Handmade Crafts

I feel flattered when a customer returns to order a new bag, happy for the compliments they get with the one they already have.

Discover the art of felting